This Just in: Politics are Astoundingly Gay

To Borrow a line from Luis J. Gomez, politics are fucking gay. You can argue with someone from the opposing side all day and all night and they still won’t change their fucking minds, and neither will you. once we’ve picked a side, we tend to stick to it, especially people who have nothing else going on in their lives.

A guy sitting at home unemployed, no wife, no girlfriend, no dog, no cat, nothing. All he has are his opinions and he will not let some libtard cuck take those away from him.

Woman sitting at home, 44 years old, stay-at-home mom. Nothing to do all day but watch MSNBC and CNN. The husband comes home from work and expects a delicious home-cooked meal but what he gets is a bombardment of complaints, all of which he has nothing to do with.
“I don’t know what the democrats are doing but they’re cowards and they should just get him out!”
“THESE DAMN REPORTERS CAN’T JUST TELL IT LIKE IT IS AND CALL HIM A LIAR CRIMINAL”. Meanwhile, the husband is sitting there thinking “McDonald’s again huh…”.

Politics is an obsession for some people, and the ironic thing is that the people most invested in politics are some of the least intelligent among us. Some people will do the craziest mental gymnastics to feel on the right side. You can present them with the soundest of facts and somehow they will twist them into an argument about why the other side is bad.

RFK Jr is a proponent of making people healthier in the USA. Currently, 42% of the US Adult population is obese according to The Global Obesity Observatory, and “Six in 10 Americans have at least one chronic disease, and 4 in 10 have two or more chronic diseases” according to the CDC. So obviously we’re doing something wrong in that department. “But the man is a trump lackey”, “He’s an anti-vaxxer”, “He has a brain worm”.

A Blackhawk Helicopter Collides with an American Airlines Passenger Flight “That’s what happens when DEI gets involved where people’s lives are at risk” or “That’s what happens when The President of the United States forces the head of the FAA to resign”.

Trump will impose 25% tariffs on Mexico and Canada… I have no idea how this would be a good thing in the eyes of either side…

The tariffs are not something that will directly help the people of the United States. Yes, they might incentivize people to buy products that are made in the USA. But the prices of a lot of things are about to go up. If you’re a Republican and you’re ignoring that fact to be ‘right’ in a pointless argument with a co-worker or a random X user, YOU’RE THE PROBLEM.

We all just need to step back and realize that none of this shit is actually for us. The plane crash was horrific and the only people who should be concerned are the authorities investigating why this happened so it can be prevented in the future and the families who lost somebody that day. Yes, the American people deserve answers as to why this happened and assurance that they are safe when they board a plane, but this horrific event should not be used as a chess piece in a pointless game. The people affected are not political fodder, they are Americans. We’re all Americans, let’s start acting like it.


